Compressive Sensing
Compressive sensing can reduce shot and/or receiver density by 25-50%.
TesserACT offers unique tools for Compressive Sensing and ACTeQ offer unique experiece to ensure successful application of this technology.
Wave equation modeling in the space-frequency domain forms the basis for efficient computation of illumination cubes, which can be used to extract source illumination intensity along any given horizon in the depth model.
Whether your goal is reduced acquisition cost, higher resolution at the same cost or reduced environmental impact, you should consider Compressive Sensing.

Compressive Sensing (CS)
CS allows the reconstruction of sparsely sampled data up to frequencies beyond a conventional application of Nyquist.
This tool can be applied to achieve improved resolution at a similar acquisition cost or to reduce shot and receiver density by 25-50%.
Contact ACTeQ for advice on the best way to apply CS to your next 3D project.
CS in TesserACT
TesserACT offers 3 different CS algorithms : -
1) InDepth's patented optimum sampling. (Start with a regular grid and drop points.)
2) Colorado School of Mines 2 pass approach. The first pass is a pseudo random geometry. The 2nd pass eliminates near duplicates and adds points where excessive gaps exist.
3) ACTeQ's own patented algorithm is a single pass approach and achieves similar results to the CSM algorithm. All TesserACT users have a royalty free license to use this algorithm.
To QC your design, TesserACT includes both InDepth's Mutual Coherence metric and our own Adequately Constructed Time (ACT) metric.